Sourcing a Special Piece

Have you ever seen a piece of jewelry in a magazine or in a shop while traveling and couldn't get it out of your head? Do you regret not pursuing it at the time and would now like to add it to your collection?
I source jewels for clients, from very specific pieces to those from a certain period of design. Maybe it's a '70s-era David Webb ring or a pair of antique Georgian silver and diamond earrings. Perhaps you collect diamond straight-line bracelets and want me to keep my eyes open for great values I come across in the estate market. Whatever you are searching for, allow me to do the seek-and-find for you.
My sources include estate dealers across the country, auction houses, retail jewelers, and private vendors who specialize in specific types of vintage pieces. I have the business relationships and contacts to locate the jewel you are seeking, and am compensated only for my hourly fees with no commission involved. It's my favorite kind of treasure hunt.
Contact me if you need assistance finding a specific piece of jewelry.
Cuff bracelet by Verdura