Would you like honest, unbiased, expert advice about your own jewelry, a collection you have inherited, or a piece you are considering for purchase? Do you own jewelry that you never wear, but don't know how to sell it with confidence? I can provide the help you are seeking.
As an independent fine jewelry consultant, I offer my professional expertise through a wide range of services, such as redesigning outdated heirlooms into wearable pieces, selling unwanted jewelry, organizing and curating existing collections, advising on engagement ring purchases, and shopping for special gifts, among many more. I work only with reputable firms with whom I have established relationships based on my high quality standards and results. Because I have no vested interest in any retail store, estate dealer, or auction house, and am truly independent, my recommendations and assistance are based solely on your needs and goals. Most importantly, I do not work on a commission basis of any sort.
Contact me for more information about any of my jewelry consultation services.