I decided decades ago that I hate heart-shaped jewelry. As an emerald-cut person, hearts were just too sweet and precious for me. But lately I've seen three pieces of jewelry all featuring hearts, and I've loved them all. What's happening???

First I fell for this stunning red spinel ring by jewelry designer Erica Courtney. It's a one-of-a-kind that I spied at YlangYlang, where I learned that it it took two years just to match the stones. The band is set eternity-style, with spinels encircling the finger.
This ring isn't sweet at all -- in fact it is darkly romantic in a fairy tale kind of way. Somehow it reminds me of Snow White and a drop of red blood. It would be an enchanting, special engagement ring.

Find the right heart-shaped jewel for you, contact me today to start a personal jewelry shopping experience.
Another heart-shaped piece at YlangYlang caught my eye. It's by Italian jewelry designer Carolina Bucci, whose luxurious collection is completely casual. I think this black gold heart pendant would look great hanging on a long chain worn with a silk blouse and heels, or sneakers and a tee. The roughened texture keeps it cool and wards off the sweetness. I guess it says something about me that a black heart would be so appealing, but it truly is a great piece.
Lastly, while in Maine recently I was immediately drawn to the hand of a sales associate in one of my favorite little shops in Camden. Her ring was extraordinary. A narrow, oval ruby was flanked by two massive, heart-shaped diamonds, set sideways with lobes against the ruby and the points facing away from center. I had never seen anything like it. The hearts were as wide as the center ruby was tall. These were no mere "accent" stones, but chunky, beautifully proportioned diamonds with a life of their own. When I complimented her on it and asked for a closer look, she informed me that she had previously owned a jewelry shop, and had had the hearts cut for her as a matched pair specifically for this design. I thanked her for sharing the story behind the beautiful piece and left thinking, "I don't hate hearts, it just has to be the right heart."
To find the right heart-shaped jewel for you, contact me today to start a personal jewelry shopping experience.